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History of Observations of Seismogenic Phenomena in the Atmosphere and Formalization of Their Decryption

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Jul 31, 2021
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Since ancient times, observers, including Babylonians, residents of the environs of Vesuvius, Japanese, have noted specific phenomena in the atmosphere, on the ground, in water and in the behavior of animals in anticipation of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. In the atmosphere, it is a haze, narrow dark cloud stripes of great length, black mists, slots in the clouds. The languages of the flame from the slots in the ground, hot springs, the change of river channels, various noises, excitement, the smell of hydrogen sulfide in standing waters, the mass release of fish from the water, the restless behavior of animals. Aristotle suggested that these phenomena in the atmosphere are caused by gas emissions from the Earth, Humboldt associated with seismogenic changes in atmospheric electricity. Later, researchers linked them to activated faults of the earth's crust, the local concentration of ions in radiation. Modern geological analysis showed the presence of methane in those areas, faults of the earth's crust, and the growth of electromagnetic fields several times before earthquakes. However, the decryption of atmospheric precursors remained at the level of author decryption of satellite images of atmospheric formations, which did not exclude the mass of noise estimates, for example, orographic and long-range clouds, aircraft traces. There was no identification of the "blackness" of clouds and fogs. Our analysis of the spectral characteristics of atmospheric formations showed that the water intake of some narrow extended clouds above the faults of the earth's crust is zero, in their zone the local minimum of the integral humidity of the atmosphere. The phenomenological representation of the components of solar radiation made it possible to identify the characteristic size of the cloud atmospheric aerosol from spectral data from the NOAA series, thereby concluding the predominantly dry dust composition of seismogenic clouds, their "blackness." The presence of narrow extended breaks in wet meteorological clouds over activated faults of the Earth's crust is also associated with the reaction of atmospheric moisture to electromagnetic disturbances - clouds diverge, visible dust formations do not form since atmospheric dust is previously "disassembled" by meteorological clouds into condensation nuclei. The discussed atmospheric anomalies precede local earthquakes.

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